
February 2014

Best of the West: our 9 favorite trails in US National Parks

In 1872, the first US National Park was signed into law. Now 142 years later, 59 parks and nearly 51.9 million acres are preserved for travelers, cyclists and hikers to enjoy. Did you know that for a National Park to be signed into protection, it must feature either natural beauty, unique geological features, unusual ecosystems...
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4 ways to shake off indoor cycle training boredom

With the outdoor cycling season just around the corner, are you ready? Whether your cycling plans include a spring break getaway to the Arizona desert or a tune-up race with your hometown cycling club, here are 4 easy tweaks to fine-tune your off-season road bike training. Add strength training If your winter training has simply...
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Trip Review: Costa Brava Deluxe Self-Guided Cycling

Last fall, Australian travel writer Susan Bredow experienced Pure Adventures’ tour of the Costa Brava region in Spain. This 8-day self-guided bike tour starts in Barcelona and finishes in Girona, and covers an easy 35 kilometers per day. While cyclists can explore this region any time of year, autumn is the best time to experience...
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How to travel for free

Traveling for free may sound like a gimmick, but when it comes to traveling as a group with your friends or a cycling club, it’s not! For example, did you know many travel companies offer incentives for groups – often for as few as ten people? The larger the group, the better the incentives can...
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Cycle through the Tuscany of Slovenia

10 Reasons to Visit Italy on your Next Vacation

Italy is a top travel destination for cyclists for good reason: challenging hills, temperate climate, mouth-watering cuisine, and fascinating history all make for an unforgettable holiday. Year after year, our self-guided bicycle vacations in Italy continue to be among Pure Adventures’ top-selling tours. To celebrate how much cyclists love this destination, here are the top...
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Last chance to ride Death Valley this season!

Cross visiting Death Valley off your bucket list with this incredible ride – Pure Adventures’ last Death Valley guided road cycling ride of the season. No where else on earth will you find the unique geological features and breathtaking features found in our country’s largest National Park. But to really experience Death Valley, you need to...
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Mary Jane Colter’s Indelible Impression on the Grand Canyon

American architect Mary Jane Colter is often described as a perfectionist. As one of the few female architects working in the United States between 1910 and 1950, Coulter’s passion for history and backstories figured strongly into the iconic buildings she designed. While Colter had a long and successful career throughout the US Midwest, it is...
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