

4 ways to blister-proof your feet

Nothing puts the brakes on a great hike as the  foot pain caused by blisters. What starts out as minor irritation on your heel, foot arch or toes can quickly turn into a blister of epic proportions if the cause isn’t immediately dealt with. And when you’ve invested hours in training for a guided hiking trip...
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10 desert hikes where the temperature’s right

Phoenix, Arizona is famous for a lot of things, especially its scorching summer temperatures. With June, July and August ranging between 94F and 105F, outdoor athletes can’t be blamed for laying low during the summer months (there’s a reason we only offer our Arizona guided and self guided hiking and mountain biking trips between November...
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From brewpubs to burgers: Arizona’s best places to eat

After a day on the desert single track eating only trail mix, the occasional granola bar and lukewarm energy drinks, food is top of mind for all cyclists and hikers on our new Arizona tours. If it’s your first time visiting Pure Adventure’s home state, you’re in for a gastronomic treat – Arizona is just...
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12 oddball festivals in Arizona

If you haven’t already heard, Pure Adventures is launching almost 20 new tours in the USA, including six new tours in Arizona. Ranging from self-guided hiking and biking tours to custom guided offers, we’re excited about bringing the self-guided format to the United States. Another reason we’re excited about these new tours is that they...
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8 weird facts about Death Valley (and why going there should be on your bucket list)

Death Valley is synonymous with extremes: extremely hot, extremely arid, extremely mystical. But despite the legendary crossing of the first emigrants to cross death valley in 1849, Death Valley still draws millions of tourists every year, all attracted to this geographic rogue. Pure Adventures is beyond excited to bring cyclists and hikers to Death Valley...
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New for 2014 – Cycling & Hiking Adventures in the Western USA

Pure Adventures is putting the finishing touches on a new website to be launched in the coming days in which a whole new line of tours in the USA will be featured.   Since 1994, LRBF, parent company of Pure Adventures has been focused on selling Europe.  The company sold Discover France in 2012 in...
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