
May 2014

30 bucket-list summer travel adventures

Let’s face it: summer is way too short. While technically summer lasts from June 21 to September 22, traditionally the vacation months for many travelers are July and August, and those 62 days fly by – there’s nothing lazy about these dog days of summer. Make your summer one to remember by checking off one...
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Bikes & Beer: cycle-touring picks in Austria and the Czech Republic

For travelling cyclists, Austria and the Czech Republic offer something for everyone. Austria’s bike-friendly Danube cycle path is paved and well marked, winding trails through the mountains offer a challenge to fit cyclists, the breathtaking architecture and scenery provides a memorable backdrop for tourists, and of course, beer to quench your thirst after a day...
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7 safety tips for summer hiking in the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is like no other place on earth. Absolutely epic in every way, from the number of visitors (nearly 5 million a year) to it’s ancient geological history (2 billion years worth)  Arizona’s Grand Canyon is a dream hiking destination. “It’s easy to think of the canyon as a hole in the ground, but...
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Croatia’s 12 best beaches to cool off in

The Dalmatian Coast – this is the place in Croatia that is most known! Lots of coastline and access to literally hundreds of islands just a short boat ride away. The mainland coast is dotted with historical towns, cities, and villages, but the country is very narrow and so visiting the islands is absolutely part...
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5 reasons to cycle Majorca

Spain continues to be one of Pure Adventures’ most popular cycling destinations, with tours offering  flat to rolling countryside, charming villages, vineyards, castles, Roman history, and museums. Majorca (Mallorca in Spanish) is the largest of the Balearic Islands, its 310 mile long coastline a draw for millions of sun worshipers every year. But there’s more to Majorca...
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