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Get Free Money Towards Your Next Pure Adventures Trip!

Here at Pure Adventures we’ve been extremely fortunate to have travellers return to experience our tours time and time again. Now we want to say thanks by putting money back in your pocket just by sending family and friends our way. We would love to reward you for referrals! If you’ve been on at least...
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2016 Tech For The Adventure Traveller Who Has Everything.

Being a seasoned adventure traveller, you’ve earned your stripes. You’ve taken the tough trails, weathered the storm – literally, pushed physical limits and have come face to face with new worlds and cultures. There’s no doubt you’ve accumulated great gear to help you along those journeys. But besides your old lucky compass or perfectly worked...
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Lock In Savings through 2016, Now!

The Euro remains at historic lows here at the end of 2015 and Pure Adventures wants to give our travelers a chance to lock those savings in place now, for any travel throughout 2016 in the Euro currency zone.   The Euro is currently valued at about $1.10US in mid December.   If a trip...
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3 steps to a stress-free cycling vacation

The beauty of cycling, of course, is that at the heart of the sport, there is little else you need other than a bicycle and a helmet. The same is true of cycling vacations: your bike, a cozy bed to sleep in and a delicious meal at the end of the way are the essentials...
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Top 10 Cycling Destinations

Velogear, an Australian website focused on ride guide information, bike rental (hire) and other things cycling has recently published a survey of their top cycling destinations worldwide.   Not a huge surprise, but number 1 on the list is France!   We know France pretty well at Pure Adventures and our clientele includes a strong...
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Pure Adventures Gets a Mention in Outside Online Top 30 Awards

Outside Magazine has just issued its latest awards; this one is found here: Pure Adventures is mentioned for our cycling tours in California in support of the award to California as a top road cycling destination. From the article:  #19 Best Road Biking: California “The Golden State has 800 miles of coastline and half a...
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Don’t ride? An SSD tour is a great fit!

Imagine reigning supreme over the inclines and passes of world famous Death Valley National Park, or conquering the notorious climbs of Arizona’s Sky Islands? This year, Pure Adventures, pioneers in cycle tourism, invites cyclists to experience Western USA’s most challenging and world-class routes with their newest label, Supported Self Directed: a visionary blend of guided...
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Beat the heat: 5 tips for summer cycling

Depending on where you live, summer cycling can feel like you’re in sizzling Death Valley – unless of course you live in Missoula, Montana, where it was hotter than Death Valley last week. Of course, while Death Valley is sometimes regarded as the hottest place in the United States, the winter temperatures are quite moderate...
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4 things you should know before hiking the Camino de Santiago Trail

One of the world’s oldest pilgrimage routes, the Camino de Santiago de Compostela across northern Spain is an unforgettable hiking experience. For more than 1000 years, pilgrims from all over Europe were attracted by the grave of the Apostle James the Great at Santiago de Compostela at the far North-Western tip of Spain, where his...
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Summer hydration tips for hiking in Utah’s National Parks

If you’re wondering what the weather will be like on a summer hiking trip in Zion National Park or Bryce Canyon National Park, the Utah Visitor’s Bureau sums it up nicely: Generally speaking, Utah is best experienced with an extra bottle of water and some sunscreen. With daytime temperatures peaking at 102F in July and August, it is essential...
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