
April 2020
Perfect blue skies and sparkling sea, equals the best backdrop in Puglia!

Self Guided Travel Will Lead Travel Return Post Covid-19

April 23, 2020:  SELF GUIDED IS THE SOLUTION! Self-guided travel after covid: Today we received a bit of good news and confirmation, in an e-newsletter from our industry peers at the Travel & Adventure Show group. This indicated that self guided travel will be the most sought after type of travel when people return to...
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Colorado wildflowers along every trail

Travel in the Post Covid-19 Realm

April 21, 2020 Is it too soon?  Here, at my desk in my home office, I hear the landscapers at the neighboring homes running leaf blowers and chain saws, and I hear the construction of home improvements in the neighborhood. I see the delivery vans going by. In a way, it seems that some things...
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