Be happier, healthier and hipper in 2013

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  5. Be happier, healthier and hipper in 2013

Be a happier, healthier and – dare we say – better looking cyclist by making these six New Year’s Resolutions.
Have more fun during your cycling workouts by racing in cyclocross
Have more fun during your cycling workouts by racing in cyclocross. Photo by Stefan Isfeld.

Resolve to be Happier

Eliminate electronics. If you’re training for a Pure Adventures tour, an epic mountain bike race, or your first century ride, chances are you have a training plan you’re trying to stick to. This year, choose one ride each month to leave the cycling computer at home and simply ride your bike for fun. Or, if you’re a road cyclist, try mountain biking; mountain bikers give cyclocross a try. Fill up your water bottles, tuck some cash into your jersey pocket and go on an adventure.

Ride for a cause. Charity bicycle tours are increasing in popularity, with rides found everywhere from small towns to big cities, always with a variety of distances to challenge cyclists of all abilities. Choose a cause close to your heart and sign up for a charity ride in 2013.

  • United Kingdom: the British Heart Foundation offers off and on-road events for cyclists supporting heart health, including the iconic London100.
  • Canada: the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Canada is one of the country’s largest rides, raising more than $1,000,000 in 2012.
  • United States: Levi’s Grand Fondo is on target to raise more than $200,00 for charities along its Santa Rosa, California route.

Resolve to be Healthier

Eat au natural. Guilty of grabbing vending machine snack foods when you’re hungry and in a hurry? This year resolve dump the processed snacks and opt for homemade. In particular, pay attention to the foods that you eat during a long bike ride. That store-bought granola bar may have more fat and additives and you think. Try this great homemade energy bar for a more natural boost while you are riding your bike.

Ride your bike to work. Cycling safety campaigns and making bike lanes a priority in infrastructure planning are ways cities coast to coast are making it easier for people to ride to work. Riding your bicycle to work is not only healthy for you, but healthy for the planet. In 2013, resolve to leave your car or bus pass at home and bike commute to the office instead.

Resolve to be Hipper

Update your kit. Admit it: your closet is over-run with tacky jerseys bought during post-Christmas sales blowouts. There’s a reason the neon pink men’s XXL was on sale, but that’s no reason to keep wearing it. This year, invest in a brand new bike kit. We like this idea from Twin Six, called Chump to Champ: trade in your ugly jersey for a hip one from Twin Six.

Deck out your ride. A stock bike doesn’t have to look like a stock bike. If your bike is looking a little ho-hum, change up the color of your bike tape or add a few cheeky decals. Not content to make just cosmetic changes, how about these puncture resistant tires for your commuter or swap out the stock chain on your BMX for these colored bicycle chains.