How to travel for free

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Traveling for free may sound like a gimmick, but when it comes to traveling as a group with your friends or a cycling club, it’s not! For example, did you know many travel companies offer incentives for groups – often for as few as ten people?

The larger the group, the better the incentives can be, or the more negotiating power a group could have. Destinations, travel season and properties in high demand also determine if there is any room for negotiation or incentives. The most common incentive is free travel for the tour organizer – and  that person could be you!

Pure Adventures is pleased to offer cycling clubs and other interest groups our new quick-start guide to organizing group travel. With tips on finding potential groups, researching trip ideas and how to be a great group travel leader, our easy to read e-book will help you start planning your next cycling vacation.

Click here to download our free e-book!