5 Energy Boosting Foods That’ll Turn You Into A SUPER CYCLIST!

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  5. 5 Energy Boosting Foods That’ll Turn You Into A SUPER CYCLIST!

As if getting on your bike and going for a good ride didn’t already make you feel like a super hero, we scoured the internet to find the best 5 energy boosting foods to keep you hugging that road a little longer, and feeling energized while doing it!
What Is A Super Food?
There really is no scientific definition for “superfoods,” most dieticians slap a “super” stamp on something if it has high levels of vitamins and minerals. Some may even offer preventative agents that benefit your health.
1) Maple Syrup:
This “simple sugar” has the anti-inflammatory properties similar to those found in berries, tea, red wine and flaxseed. It’s also rich in minerals and electrolytes. Stir into a pre-ride meal for that perfectly sweet kick!
2) Hemp Seeds:
Hemp seeds are full of magnesium and iron, essential for oxygen transportation and muscle contractions. Hemp is also high — (no pun intended) — in protein. A small 1oz portion of seeds provides a nice 11g of protein.
3) Celery:
For a cyclist, chomping on sticks celery in the time before a race can have positive super effects. Its high nitrate levels (250mg per 100g) put it in the same league as the beetroot — but with none of the nasty taste or red urine effects.
4) Salmon:
Salmon is an excellent combo of high gain with very little caloric intake. Just 3 ounces of salmon packs on 22 grams of protein with less than 5 grams of fat.
5) Sweet Potato:
Sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates for the super riding fuel you’re looking for. It also boosts blood flow for super riding performance, and contain the antioxidant beta carotene, which safe guards your muscles and body from damage.
credit: bikeradar.comduvine.com