However, travelling through the city on your bike doesn’t come without risks – just like driving, there are precautions you need to take. Here are our 7 Ways to Stay Safe when City Cycling!
1) Treat The Bike Lane As A Regular Lane
Often times cyclists treat the bike lane like a fortress of solitude. A false sense of security happens when you assume motorists will keep to their part of the road. Be vigilant! It’s not uncommon for cars to merge into the bike lane, turn in front of you at an intersection and open their doors into the bike lane.
2) Ditch The Headphones
It goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway), that ear buds and headphones can distract from the busy world around you while cycling. Leave them at home or pack them away until you reach your destination.
3) Be Careful Around Larger Vehicles
Larger vehicles simply have a harder time seeing what’s around them. Reduced visibility due to blind spots put cyclists at risk. It’s your job to stay alert.
4) Assume Car Doors Will Open
Running into an open car door is definitely one way to ruin your commute, and it happens far too often. The only ways to avoid this is to keep your distance and watch for activity in the car. Keep your eyes forward, and stay alert!
5) Don’t Be An Amber Gambler
No need to explain here. Obey the rules of the road, don’t rush, and you’ll stay clear of injury or worse.
6) Don’t Get Cozy With the Curb
Riding too close to the curb gives you little room for error, near potholes, and has you riding through dirt and debris that could collect in your tires. Give yourself some room to breath and make it a smoother ride!
7) Plan Your Route
Google maps offers some pretty decent bike paths to take, opposed to hitting busier city streets. Regardless, you’ll most likely run into some traffic, but knowing quite routes make for a better ride!
Credit:Bike Radar