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  5. The Benefits of Private Custom Group Travel
Tour group relaxing in a pool

People contemplating a vacation are often pulled in two contradictory directions, caught between the desire for downtime to rest and recharge and the allure of active, potentially new experiences. We might be a tad biased, but at Pure Adventurers we’re big believers in the benefits of private custom group travel. A tight group of family and friends makes for a more intimate and independent trip, while leveraging the skills of a local guide who can open up new, immersive, and “insider” options.

Our tours are designed with couples, families, and friends in mind. There are plenty of options out there for traveling with strangers, from the economy-class to the super-deluxe, but our model allows travelers more freedom to customize their journey based on their unique interests. Taking a group of your likeminded nearest and dearest on a biking and dining tour through Catalonia, for instance, fosters an entirely different mindset than a traditional fixed itinerary group tour where you spend a lot of time being herded from place with travelers you just met. A private custom trip often allows for the unexpected and serendipitous moments that become lasting memories. Although you might never share the same hobbies as your sister-in-law, her passion for music could lead you to make a stop at the Czech Museum of Music while in Prague. Suddenly you can tick “play a theremin” off your bucket list. Return the favour with a culinary suggestion that pushes her boundaries, and you’ve got the makings of a unique family experience that bonds rather than bores.

Once the itinerary is settled, we handle the logistic details to create a seamless trip. You as the group leader don’t get bogged down. If you’ve ever played the role of cat herder at a large gathering you know how complicated marshalling groups can be. By keeping your group to around a dozen or so, you’ll minimize unwieldiness while leveraging group purchasing power. You can realize some savings just by taking on an extra member or two, since for every ten guests the eleventh travels free — see our Ways to Save page for details. Furthermore, some adventurous experiences that just aren’t feasible for two are easily affordable for a party of six of more. That also means it’s possible to accommodate varying levels of ability on a more active excursion, thanks to additional guides who provide support and transfers.

Speaking of guides, a savvy local’s recommendation is sometimes the surest way to track down the unscripted moments that make for an “oh, wow” vacation memory. We work with individuals who are passionate about their home and culture and willing to share recommendations a little (or a lot) off the beaten track. After the plan is set based on the requests of the group, we leave room to keep the experience active but properly paced.

If you’d prefer to ‘leave the guiding to us’, we can work with you to design a fully escorted trip with one of expert guides from start to finish.

Whether you’re looking to explore Europe, Asia, or South America, Pure Adventures will work with you to strike an artful balance of independence and support for considerably less than a traditional packaged tour. Providing that fluidity takes a little extra lead time, so it’s worth rallying your travel companions now for a 2019 excursion. Get started by checking out our Destinations and Activities options in the menu above, and then give us call! Private custom group travel is what we do – let us help orchestrate your trip, your way.