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  5. 5 Reasons to Cycle Brittany

5 Reasons to Cycle Brittany


The region of France known as Brittany is celebrated for its distinct geography, its rich traditions and its forward-looking, progressive attitude.  With breathtaking landscapes, Brittany boasts over 1,700 miles of beautiful coastline and is sought out by tourists because of its pristine beaches and mild weather.  It even has its own language, which hails from Celtic descent resembling Welsh and Cornish.  Visitors come to Brittany to experience the unique culture, filled with music and dance, the beautiful terrain and the delicious cuisine.

Brittany is also a popular destination for cyclists.  Here are five reasons why:

Pink Granite Coast (Côte de Granite Rose) – thanks to natural minerals, this 30 km stretch of coastline with its vivid pink and orange colors offers a sight not to be missed.  Cyclists experience a variety of scenic rides because the coast changes as you travel from Saint Malo to Mont Saint Michel.  Tours are also available to get the most out of this amazing stretch of land.


Culture and Tradition – steeped in history dating back to the Dark Ages, Brittany has evolved over the years and its people have found a way to successfully merge ancient traditions and culture with the modern world and technological advances.  This creates a unique cultural experience for visitors who can still hear the traditional language of Breton (Celtic language) being spoken and dine on traditional cuisine.  A cycle through Brittany offers a glimpse into a truly distinct region and the people who call it home.


Calvary sculptures – these must-see artifacts of the Brittany region are carved crucifixion scenes which are scattered throughout and can typically be found at crossroads in villages and small towns.


Neolithic monuments – in addition to the Calvary sculptures, the Neolithic monuments, large stones scattered throughout the land in various patterns and rows, offer a testament to the region’s ancient roots.  Part of the allure of these artifacts is the fact that their purpose still remains a mystery, despite the fact that they’ve been around since before the Pyramids were built.  Cycling around the region you will likely encounter two types of stone monuments: Dolmen, which resembles a table top, and Menhir, long structures which stand upright.


Island of Belle-Île – this beautiful area of Brittany offers the best of all worlds, combining rugged terrain with spectacular coastline.  One of the most unique features of the Island is its climate, which is considered to be a microclimate because it is different than that of the mainland, which is located a mere 14 km away.


Cyclists who are in search of their next big adventure, but are also looking for the opportunity to experience the beauty of nature and mysterious ancient culture should add Brittany to their list of places to go, not only for the reasons listed here, but for the countless others that will be discovered during their stay.