Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore

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Tuscany’s Monastery

Founded in the year 1319, the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore is a large Benedictine monastery located in the beautiful Italian region of Tuscany.  Its distinct red brick buildings offer an interesting contrast to the muted grey landscape of the Crete Senesi, meaning “Siennese clays”, for which Tuscany has become known. The Abbey is ideally situated some 273 m above sea level, not far the province of Sienna, and is surrounded by thick green forest that overlooks the breathtaking countryside below.

In 1393, construction of the monastery officially began but the process wasn’t completed until over a century later in 1526.  Over the years, many of the buildings have been further modified, particularly during both the Renaissance and the Baroque periods.  Today the Abbey remains a fascinating testament to the area’s rich history.  It greets visitors with an imposing square tower complete with a drawbridge and a beautiful courtyard that opens up onto an avenue of cypresses.  The avenue features a vibrant botanical garden and a fish pond, both of which are used for practical purposes by the monks.  The garden supplies medicinal plants and the pond provides fish during times when consuming meat is forbidden.

Beyond the avenue of cypresses, the Abbey features a number of ancient structures, many built in the late 1300’s to early 1400’s.  Many of these structures boast intricately carved woodwork, from inlaid choir stalls to magnificently adorned alters.  The 15 century cloisters of the Abbey include two of its most noteworthy parts: the rectangular Chiostro Grande, which consists of two passages, one atop the other, and the spectacular Refectory, which features incredible frescoes by Fra’ Paolo Novelli.

The Abbey of Monte Oliveto also features a large library which houses over 40,000 volumes, pamphlets and parchments that the monks have carefully restored. Beyond the library is the pharmacy, containing an extensive collection of spice vases from the 18th century. To this day, honey and distilled herbal spirits are still produced at the Abbey, according to a number of ancient recipes.  The monastery’s dispensary remained active until 1865; however modern-day visitors can still view its fascinating collection of pharmaceutical jars from the 17th and 18th centuries.

Aside from all the spectacular buildings, monuments, architectural masterpieces and historical artifacts that the Abbey boasts, many people choose to visit the monastery to experience the mesmerizing sound of the Gregorian chants of the monks who live there.  Gregorian chant, which has a unique modality, attracts believers and non-believers alike and evokes images of the early the Church and an unequaled spirituality that is difficult to put into words.

Whatever the reason, a visit to the Abbey of Monte Oliveto provides a fascinating and unforgettable journey. As you cross the ancient drawbridge the atmosphere almost changes and you are embraced by the past. It’s an opportunity to experience something different.  Something some locals describe as unique – an inexplicable positive energy.  One thing is for certain – it’s something you must experience for yourself to truly understand.  Come and discover what the Abbey of Monte Oliveto has in store for you.