


How To Stay Hydrated While Cycling

It should come as no surprise that you need to keep yourself topped up with water to perform optimally, as our bodies alone are made of approximately 60% water. Whether you’re training, jogging, hiking or cycling, keeping hydrated is extremely important. If you don’t keep yourself hydrated, you’ll be compromising your performance as your muscles,...
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5 Ways Scottsdale Cycling Is Good For The Soul.

If you just can’t imagine yourself dealing with the frigid temps this winter, let’s face it, you’ve got lots of options to get out of the cold. But do any of those options offer up guaranteed sunshine 300 out of 365 days a year? We thought not. Escaping to the desert may sound a little...
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FUN FACTS: How The Grand Canyon Became The Grand Canyon

Having guided our Grand Canyon Rim-To-Rim Hiking Tour for several years now, we feel like we have a pretty intimate relationship with the area. When someone shares their vacation photos or video with you of their trip to the canyon, they look great! But you can’t really understand the actual scale until you experience it...
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4 Ways To Immediately Fix Hand Pain When Cycling

How to Fix Cycling Hand Pain Wondering how to fix cycling hand pain? It comes with the territory that we will all experience some aches and pains from cycling, but aches and pains can become repetitive injury when not dealt with properly. There’s lots of areas to cover, but this blog will talk about the...
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10 Year Wedding Anniversary Cycling In The Czech Republic

There is quite literally nothing more rewarding for all of us here at Pure Adventures, than getting to be a part of our client’s most special occasions. Recently we received this note from Leisha Stelken, who booked a Czech Republic cycling tour with us to celebrate 10 amazing years of marriage with her husband. Along...
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Ebike: Friend or Foe?

Some say e-bikes often make a great introduction into cycling if you’re looking for some help riding at first. But others aren’t so sure, claiming e-bikes takeaway from the real challenge and benefits from using a road bike. We’ve heard lots of opinions including folks who are quite opinionated on the matter, saying as cyclists,...
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Last Minute October Escape Experiences!

Ok, so right about now you’re asking yourself 1-Where the heck did the summer go? 2- Why haven’t I taken some much deserved me time yet!? With the usual day-to-day it’s hard to carve out time to recharge our batteries and to fuel the soul. We’re here to tell you that the cycling experience you’ve...
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4 Little Known Facts About The Leaning Tower Of Pisa

Travellers come from all over to visit Pisa and the famous leaning tower, sometimes just to do this… Whether you’re in it for the Instagram photo op or to see this architectural marvel firsthand for its historical significance, we’re willing to bet you don’t know all there is to know about this leaning wonder. Here...
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3 Ways To Make Cycling “Normal” Again

Remember back in the day when you would leave right after breakfast to hang out with friends? Not returning home until the street lights came on – preferred method of travel? Your trusty 2 wheeler of course. Driving was out of the question due to that pesky age limit, but besides that, riding your bike...
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Girona: Modern Conveniences with Old World Charm

In Girona, one can find the new and the old – with a city built up around a very long history, the old city offers narrow cobblestone streets that have been preserved and yet all the modern conveniences available.   The origins of Girona go back to the time of the Romans. The Goths settled...
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